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Space Transport and Fatigue  (2023)
Abstract Header
Space travel presents numerous challenges to fatigue management. Fatigue in space results from many of the same challenges that shift workers face on Earth, including inadequate sleep, circadian misalignment, and elevated workload. However, spaceflight also presents unique challenges including non-24-hour light-dark cycles, erratic work schedules, a microgravity sleep environment, constraints to habitat design, and an isolated and confined living environment. In this chapter, we outline the current challenges facing space travel and then discuss fatigue management strategies and countermeasures aimed at addressing these challenges. We conclude with a future-facing approach to most effectively manage what challenges may arise as advancements in space travel continue to develop at a rapid pace.
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Fatigue, Space, Transport
References Header
The Handbook of Fatigue Management in Transportation: Waking Up to the Challenge, First Edition (Eds. Rudin-Brown CM & Filtness AJ). CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003213154
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Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Erin Flynn-Evans
Last Updated: August 15, 2019