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Aeronautical Emergency and Abnormal Checklists: Expectations and Realities  (2006)
Abstract Header
Developers of emergency, abnormal, and non-normal checklists hold a number of beliefs about how, when,
and under what types of conditions flight crews will access and use these checklists. These beliefs or
expectations strongly influence the decisions developers make about checklist content, design, and
presentation. Interviews with pilots involved in incidents and accidents, simulator observations, and
analyses of paper and electronic checklists, reveal that many of the expectations developers hold, which are
implicit in checklist designs, do not match the realities of emergency and abnormal situations and flight
crew checklist use. Several of these expectations are presented along with contrasting realities and some
suggested design solutions.
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Keywords Header
abnormal, Aeronautical, checklists, emergency, Expectations, realities, situations
References Header
In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
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Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Jessica Nowinski
Last Updated: August 15, 2019