How Data Comm Methods and Multi-dimensional Traffic Displays Influence Pilot Workload under Trajectory Based Operations (2011)
The goal of the present study was to examine the impact of different data-communication (Data Comm) methods and use of multi-dimensional displays (2-D or 3-D) on pilot workload when Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) are employed. Eight pilots flew simulated enroute flights using an integrated (FANS-1A) or non-integrated (ACARS) Data Comm method. Pilots were also asked to rate the workload and acceptability of a route modification with the different Data Comm methods. Online assessments during the flight simulation showed no difference in pilot ratings of workload and route acceptability. However, in post trial questionnaires, pilots reported an overall preference for FANS as a Data Comm method compared to ACARS. The display type did not change pilots’ positive ratings for the FANS method, but 3-D displays increase the operator’s ability to understand the proposed flight plan changes when they used ACARS
Based, Comm, Data, Displays, How, Influence, Methods, Multi-dimensional, Operations, Pilot, Traffic, Trajectory, Workload
Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information, 507-515