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Generic Airspace Survey  (2013)
Abstract Header
This paper reports on a extension of Generic Airspace research to explore the amount of memorization and specialized training required to manage sectors with specific characteristics or factors. Fifty-five retired controllers were given an electronic survey where they rated the amount of memorization or specialized training needed for sixteen generic airspace factors. The results suggested similarities in the pattern of ratings between different areas of the US (East, Central, and South). The average of the ratings for each area also showed some differences between regions, with ratings being generally higher in the East area. All sixteen factors were rated as moderately to highly important and may be useful for future research on generic airspace, air traffic controller workload, etc.
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Airspace, Generic, Survey
References Header
Proceedings of the AIAA Aviation 2013 Conference, Los Angeles, CA
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Adobe PDF Icon  Aviation2013_Mogford_etal.pdf (Download Acrobat Reader Click to download Adobe Acrabat Reader)
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Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Jessica Nowinski
Last Updated: August 15, 2019