S G. Lisberger
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S. G. Lisberger, T. A. Pavelko, H. . Bronte-Stewart, & L. S. Stone (1994) Neural basis for motor learning in the vestibulo-ocular reflex of primates. II. Changes in the responses of horizontal gaze-velocity Purkinje cells in the cerebellar flocculus and ventral paraflocculus, Journal of Neurophysiology, 72: 954-973
L. S. Stone, & S. G. Lisberger (1990) Visual responses of Purkinje cells in the monkey cerebellar flocculus during smooth-pursuit eye movements. I. Simple spikes, Journal of Neurophysiology, 63: 1241-1261
L. S. Stone, & S. G. Lisberger (1990) Visual responses of Purkinje cells in the monkey cerebellar flocculus during smooth-pursuit eye movements. II. Complex spikes, Journal of Neurophysiology, 63: 1262-1275
L. S. Stone, & S. G. Lisberger (1989) Synergistic action of complex and simple spikes in the monkey flocculus in the control of smooth-pursuit eye movement, Experimental Brain Research Supplement 17: 299-312
L. S. Stone, & S. G. Lisberger (1986) Detection of tracking errors by visual climbing fiber inputs to the monkey cerebellar flocculus during pursuit eye movements, Neuroscience Letters 72: 163-168