J S. Orr
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C. J. Dennehy, J. S. Orr, I. . Barshi, & I. C. Statler (2014) A comprehensive analysis of the X-15 Flight 3-65 accident, NASA Technical Memorandum TM-2014-218538. Hampton, VA: NASA Langley Research Center
I. . Barshi, I. C. Statler, & J. S. Orr (2014) The Human Factors of an Early Space Accident: Flight 3-65 of the X-15, Presented at the 7th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety Conference, Friedrichshafen, Germany
J. S. Orr, I. . Barshi, & I. C. Statler (2014) The X‐15 3‐65 Accident: An Aircraft Systems and Flight Control Perspective, Presented at the 7th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety Conference, Friedrichshafen, Germany