D L. Dempsey
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D. L. Dempsey, & I. . Barshi (2021) Applying Research-Based Training Principles: Towards Crew-Centered, Mission-Oriented Space Flight Training, In Landon, L.B., Slack, K.J., and Salas, E. (Eds.). Psychology and Human Performance in Space Programs. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis.
M. N. Russi-Vigoya, D. L. Dempsey, B. . Munson, A. H. Vera, B. D. Adelstein, S. . Wu, & K. . Holden (2020) Supporting Astronaut Autonomous Operations in Future Deep Space Missions, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1212., pp. 500-506. Springer, Cham