Ute Fischer
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S. V. Ligda, U. . Fischer, K. . Mosier, M. P. Matessa, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2015) Effectiveness of Advanced Collaboration Tools on Crew Communication in Reduced Crew Operations, Paper to appear in the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA
J. M. Orasanu, B. K. Parke, & U. . Fischer (2008) Crew coordination, Chapter 6 of Human Integration Design Handbook. Companion document to the NASA Space Flight Human Systems Standard (SFHSS), NASA-STD-3001, Vol. 2. The Habitability & Environmental Factors Division, Space Life Sciences Directorate, Johnson Space Center, NASA
Y. . Tada, J. M. Orasanu, S. B. Paletz, U. . Fischer, N. O. Kraft, & L. D. Beckum (2006) Cognitive and personality predictors of leadership emergence: Roles and leadership characteristics on team performance, Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY
S. B. Paletz, J. M. Orasanu, Y. . Tada, R. I. Bernhard, U. . Fischer, & N. O. Kraft (2006) Multilevel analyses of personality, social, and gender effects on group climate and efficacy, Poster to be presented at the 7th Annual Meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Springs, CA
U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, & J. M. Orasanu (2005) A Socio-Cognitive Approach to in Team Communication, Presented at the Naturalistic Decision Making Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 15-17, 2005
U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, & J. M. Orasanu (2005) A socio-cognitive approach to team communication, 7th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, & J. M. Orasanu (2005) Describing Team Interaction and its Relation to Performance, 13th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK, April 19, 2005
J. M. Orasanu, Y. . Tada, U. . Fischer, N. O. Kraft, & S. B. Paletz (2005) Enhancing Team Performance for Long-duration Space Missions, Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, May 27, 2005
U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, & J. M. Orasanu (2005) Identifying Psychosocial Stress in Team Interactions, Presentation at the International Astronautical Association Congress, Graz, Austria, May 23, 2005
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, & N. O. Kraft (2005) Modeling individual differences in dynamic team decision making, Poster presented at the Seventh International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, Amsterdam, June 15-17, 2005
J. M. Orasanu, Y. . Tada, S. B. Paletz, N. O. Kraft, U. . Fischer, H. S. Binder, R. I. Bernhard, M. . De Los Reyes, & L. K. McDonnell (2005) Modeling individual differences in dynamic team decision making, Seventh International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, Amsterdam
J. M. Orasanu, Y. . Tada, N. O. Kraft, & U. . Fischer (2005) Physiological monitoring of team and task stressors, In J. A. Caldwell, N. J. Wesensten (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5797, Biomonitoring for Physiological and Cognitive Performance during Military Operations (pp. 182-192). Bellingham, the International Society for Optical Engineering
N. O. Kraft, J. M. Orasanu, Y. . Tada, U. . Fischer, & H. S. Binder (2005) Testing cognitive processing and problem solving, 53rd International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine. Warsaw, Poland. September 1, 2005
U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, & J. M. Orasanu (2004) Communication patterns and team effectiveness, Paper to be presented at the 55th Annual International Astronautical Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia
J. M. Orasanu, & U. . Fischer (2004) Distributed team decision making, Invited address at the Collaboration and Knowledge Management Workshop sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. San Diego, CA, Jan 15, 2004
N. O. Kraft, J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, Y. . Tada, H. S. Binder, & M. . De Los Reyes (2004) Measuring physical responses to emotional change, Aerospace Medical Association Meeting, Anchorage, AK
N. O. Kraft, J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, Y. . Tada, H. S. Binder, & M. . De Los Reyes (2004) Measuring physiological responses to emotional changes, Aerospace Medical Association meeting, Anchorage, AK. May, 2004
N. O. Kraft, J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, Y. . Tada, H. S. Binder, & M. . De Los Reyes (2004) Monitoring individual physiological reactions to group interactions, Paper to be presented at the 55th International Astronautical Congress, Vancouver, Canada
N. O. Kraft, J. M. Orasanu, Y. . Tada, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, & H. S. Binder (2004) Monitoring individual physiological reactions to task and group stress, Fourth International Scientific and Practical Congress, AASNEEMR, Moscow, Russia, Oct. 18-22, 2004
N. O. Kraft, J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, Y. . Tada, S. B. Paletz, H. S. Binder, & M. . De Los Reyes (2004) Monitoring individual physiological reactions to task related interactions, Paper presented at the 4th International Scientific Congress Association of Aviation, Space, Naval, Extreme and Environmental Medicine of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Y. . Tada, J. M. Orasanu, & U. . Fischer (2004) Multilevel models of distributed team decision making: Importance of team dynamics on performance, 9th Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference, Duke University, Durham, May 3, 2004
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & J. . Davison (2004) Pilots' risk perception and risk management: their role in plan continuation errors, NASA Technical Memorandum, Moffett Field, CA
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, R. I. Bernhard, & N. O. Kraft (2004) Team interactions and performance on a computer based task: implications for long-duration space missions, Aerospace Medical Association Meeting, Anchorage, AK
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, R. I. Bernhard, & N. O. Kraft (2004) Team interactions and performance on a computer-based task: Implications for long-duration space missions, Aerospace Medical Association meeting, Anchorage, AK. May, 2004
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, Y. . Tada, & N. O. Kraft (2004) Team stress and performance: Implications for long-duration space missions, Poster presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, R. I. Bernhard, & N. O. Kraft (2003) Assessing team interactions for long-duration space missions, 14th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 2003
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & J. . Davison (2003) Cross-cultural issues in aviation decision making, ASPA/International Civil Aviation Organization Regional Seminar on Cross-Cultural Issues in Aviation Safety, Mexico City, March 5-6, 2003
U. . Fischer, J. M. Orasanu, N. O. Kraft, R. I. Bernhard, L. K. McDonnell, R. C. Miller, & H. S. Binder (2003) Distributed team decision making in exploration missions, 74th Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, San Antonio, TX, May 2003
U. . Fischer, & J. M. Orasanu (2003) Do You See What I See? Effect of Crew Position on Interpretation of Flight Problems, NASA/TM-2003-209612. Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
U. . Fischer, J. . Davison, & J. M. Orasanu (2003) Examining commercial and general aviation pilots' concepts of aviation risk, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
U. . Fischer, J. . Davison, & J. M. Orasanu (2003) Factors influencing commercial pilots' risk management, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & J. . Davison (2003) Pilot Risk Perception: The First Step in Managing Risk, Panel presentation at the International Women in Aviation Conference, Cincinnati, OH, March 20-22, 2003
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & J. . Davison (2003) Pilot risk perception: The first step in managing risk, Presentation to the Flight Training Department of United Airlines, Denver, CO. October 2003
U. . Fischer, J. M. Orasanu, & J. . Davison (2003) Risk Perception in Aviation Decision Making: Results from a Think-Aloud Study of Risk Management, Poster presented at the Sixth International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, Pensacola Beach, FL, May 16, 2003
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & J. . Davison (2003) Risk Perception in Aviation Decision Making: Results of a Risk Survey, Poster presented at the Sixth International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, Pensacola Beach, FL, May 16, 2003
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, R. I. Bernhard, L. K. McDonnell, & N. O. Kraft (2003) Technology to assess team performance for long-duration space missions, Paper presented at the 74th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, San Antonio, TX
J. . Davison, U. . Fischer, & J. M. Orasanu (2003) When language becomes a barrier instead of a bridge: Communication failures between pilots and air traffic controllers, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
U. . Fischer, J. M. Orasanu, & J. . Davison (2003) Why do airline pilots take risks? Insights from a think-aloud study, Proceedings: Human Factors of Decision Making in Complex Systems. Dunblane, Scotland
U. . Fischer, & J. M. Orasanu (2002) Crews as teams, Presentation to the FAA’s Aviation Safety Panel, Washington, DC. October 11, 2002
U. . Fischer, & J. M. Orasanu (2002) Culture and crew communication, Symposium on Culture, Teams and CRM. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. March 25, 2002
N. O. Kraft, J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & L. K. McDonnell (2002) Culture and decision making, 50th International Congress of Aviation & Space Medicine, Sydney, Australia. September 15-19, 2002
J. M. Orasanu, & U. . Fischer (2002) Culture and team decision making, Symposium on Culture, Teams and CRM. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. March 25, 2002
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & J. . Davison (2002) Risk perception: A critical element of aviation safety, Plenary address at the Fourth International Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain. July, 2002
J. M. Orasanu, C. . VanAken, L. K. McDonnell, & U. . Fischer (2001) Communication strategies for successful monitoring and challenging, Paper presented at the Eleventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH, March, 2001
U. . Fischer, J. . Davison, & Y. . Tada (2001) Risk Assessment and Risk Management in Aviation Decision Making.
J. M. Orasanu, J. . Davison, & U. . Fischer (2001) The role of risk in aviation decision making: How pilots perceive everyday risks, In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Engineering Society, Santa Monica, CA: HFES
U. . Fischer, & J. M. Orasanu (2001) The role of risk perception in pilot decision making, Paper presented at the Eleventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: OSU
U. . Fischer, & J. M. Orasanu (2000) Error-challenging strategies: Their role in preventing and correcting errors, In Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. San Diego, CA: HFES
U. . Fischer, & J. M. Orasanu (1999) Say it again, Sam! Effective communication strategies to mitigate pilot error, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: OSU
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, J. . Davison, K. E. Haars, E. . Villeda, & C. . VanAken (1998) How do flight crews detect and prevent errors? Findings from a flight simulation study, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting (pp. 191-195). Santa Monica, CA: HFES
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & J. . Davison (1997) Cross-cultural barriers to effective team communication, In S. Oskamp & C. Granrose (Eds.) Cross-cultural work groups (pp. 134-160). NY: Sage
J. M. Orasanu, & U. . Fischer (1997) Finding decisions in natural environments: The view from the cockpit, In C. Zsambok & G. Klein (Eds.). Naturalistic decision making (pp. 343-357). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
U. . Fischer, & J. M. Orasanu (1997) How to challenge the captain's actions, In R. Jensen (ed.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 624-628). Columbus, OH: OSU
J. M. Orasanu, J. . Davison, & U. . Fischer (1997) What did he say? Culture and language barriers to global aviation, In R. Jensen (ed.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 673-678). Columbus, OH: OSU
U. . Fischer, J. M. Orasanu, & M. . Wich (1995) Expert pilots' perception of problem situations, In R. Jensen (Ed.). Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. April 24-27, 1995, Columbus, OH
U. . Fischer, J. M. Orasanu, & M. . Wich (1994) The influence of experience on pilots' perceptions of problem situations, Unpublished working paper, NASA-Ames Research Center
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, & R. . Tarrel (1993) A taxonomy of decision problems on the flight deck, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 226-232). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press
J. M. Orasanu, M. . Wich, U. . Fischer, & K. K. Jobe (1993) Distributed problem solving by pilots and dispatchers, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 198-203). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press
U. . Fischer, J. M. Orasanu, & M. . Montalvo (1993) Effective decision strategies on the flight deck, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 238-243). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press
J. M. Orasanu, & U. . Fischer (1991) Information transfer and crew performance, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH
E. M. Wenzel, P. K. Stone, U. . Fischer, & S. H. Foster (1990) A system for three-dimensional acoustic , Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization '90 Conference, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 23-26, 329-337
E. M. Wenzel, U. . Fischer, F. L. Wightman, & S. H. Foster (1988) Application of auditory spatial information in virtual display systems, CHABA Symposium on Sound Localization, Sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the AFOSR, Washington, D.C., Oct. 14-16.
U. . Fischer, E. M. Wenzel, C. . Coler, & M. W. McGreevy (1988) Virtual interface environment workstations, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 32, 91-95.