Jessica L. Nowinski
Division Chief
Phone: 650-604-5086
(2020) Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Associate Administrator (AA) Award, Technology and Innovation- Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System
(2018) NASA Honor Award, Exceptional Achievement Medal
(2011) NASA Honor Award, Outstanding Leadership Medal
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L. . Arsintescu, B. . Matthews, M. S. Feary, J. L. Nowinski, N. C. Oza, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2018) Aircraft exceedances vary according to time of day and workload, Poster presentation at Aerospace Medical Association 89th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dallas, TX, May 9
E. E. Flynn-Evans, L. . Arsintescu, K. B. Gregory, J. B. Mulligan, J. L. Nowinski, & M. S. Feary (2018) Better Performance on the Psychomotor Vigilance Task is Associated with Longer Sleep Duration and Lower Self-Reported Sleep Need in the Real World, Presentation at Sleep SLEEP, Volume 41, Abstract Supplement, June 02-06, Baltimore
E. E. Flynn-Evans, L. . Arsintescu, K. B. Gregory, J. B. Mulligan, J. L. Nowinski, & M. S. Feary (2018) Sleep and neurobehavioral performance vary by work start time during non-traditional day shifts, Sleep health, 4(5), 476-484
L. . Arsintescu, J. B. Mulligan, M. S. Feary, J. L. Nowinski, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2017) Subjective Fatigue is influenced by Duty Duration among Short-haul Airline Pilots, Poster presentation at Aerospace Medical Association 88th Annual Scientific Meeting, Denver, CO, May 1st
E. E. Flynn-Evans, M. S. Feary, I. C. Statler, J. L. Nowinski, & L. . Arsintescu (2013) Managing fatigue in aviation operations, Oral Presentation. Human Factors and Engineering Society Meeting; 2013 October, San Diego, CA, USA
J. L. Nowinski (2010) NASA-EasyJet Airline Collaboration on Fatigue Rick Management Study, Presentation to the NRC Committee on the Effects of Commuting on Pilot Fatigue, Washington, D.C.
R. K. Dismukes, & J. L. Nowinski (2007) Prospective Memory, concurrent task management, and pilot error, In A. Kramer, D. Wiegmann, & A. Kirlik (Eds.) Attention: From Theory to Practice. New York: Oxford University Press
J. L. Nowinski, R. K. Dismukes, & J. B. Holbrook (2005) Effects of lingering intentions on subsequent tasks, Poster presented at the 17th annual American Psychological Society Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
R. K. Dismukes, & J. L. Nowinski (2005) Effects of ongoing task context and target typicality on prospective memory performance: The importance of associative cueing, Memory, 13(6), 649-657
J. L. Nowinski, J. B. Holbrook, & M. A. Staal (2005) Effects of stress on pilot performance in emergency situations, Presentation at the 13th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
J. B. Holbrook, & J. L. Nowinski (2005) Identifying sources of variance in everyday prospective memory performance, Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Wellington, New Zealand
J. L. Nowinski, & R. K. Dismukes (2004) Effects of context and target specificity on prospective memory performancest, Poster presented at the 41st Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA
J. L. Nowinski, J. B. Holbrook, & R. K. Dismukes (2003) Human memory and cockpit operations: An ASRS study, In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 888-893). Dayton, OH: The Wright State University