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C Wickens
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B. F. Gore, S. M. Casner, & C. . Wickens (2018) Workload and human performance, In B. Kanki, J-F Clervoy, & G. Sandal (Eds.), Space safety and human performance (pp.54-70), Oxford, MA: Elsevier Science Click to read more
PDF download  C. . Wickens, A. . Sebok, A. . Keller, S. . Peters, R. . Small, S. . Hutchins, L. . Algarin, B. F. Gore, B. L. Hooey, & D. C. Foyle (2013) Modeling and evaluating pilot performance in NextGen: Review of and recommendations regarding pilot modeling efforts, architectures, and validation studies, (NASA/TM-2013-216504). Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center. Click to read more
A. . Sebok, C. . Wickens, A. M. Gacy, M. . Brehon, S. . Scott-Nash, N. . Sarter, N. . Li, B. F. Gore, & B. L. Hooey (2012) MIDAS-FAST: A modeling and simulation-based tool to predict operator performance in human-robotic automation systems, In the 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), July 2012 Click to read more
C. . Wickens, A. . Sebok, B. F. Gore, & B. L. Hooey (2012) Predicting pilot error in NextGen: Pilot performance modeling and validation efforts, In the 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), July 2012 Click to read more
PDF download  B. F. Gore, B. L. Hooey, C. . Wickens, C. . Socash, M. . Gosakan, A. M. Gacy, M. . Brehon, & D. C. Foyle (2011) Workload as a performance shaping factor in MIDAS v5, Presented at the Behavioral Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS) 2011, Sundance, UT Click to read more
PDF download  B. F. Gore, B. L. Hooey, C. . Wickens, A. . Sebok, S. . Hutchins, E. . Salud, R. . Small, C. . Koenecke, & J. . Bzostek (2010) Identification of pilot performance parameters for human performance models of off-nominal events in the NextGen environment (NASA/CR # 2010-216411), Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Click to read more
PDF download  B. L. Hooey, B. F. Gore, C. . Wickens, S. . Scott-Nash, C. . Socash, E. . Salud, & D. C. Foyle (2010) Modeling Pilot Situation Awareness, In C. Cacciabue et al., (Ed.) Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation. Heidelberg: Springer. Click to read more
B. L. Hooey, B. F. Gore, C. . Wickens, S. . Scott-Nash, C. . Socash, & E. . Salud (2010) Modeling situation awareness in the advanced flight deck, In the Human Modeling in Assistive Transportation, Belgirate, Italy, June 30-July 2. Click to read more
B. F. Gore, B. L. Hooey, C. . Wickens, & S. . Scott-Nash (2009) A computational implementation of a human attention guiding mechanism in MIDAS v5, Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction International Annual Conference. (July, 2009; San Diego) Click to read more
C. . Wickens, B. L. Hooey, B. F. Gore, A. . Sebok, C. . Koenicke, & E. . Salud (2009) Predicting Pilot Performance in Off-Nominal Conditions: a Meta-Analysis and Model Validation, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society General Meeting, San Antonio, TX: October 19-23, 2009 Click to read more
B. L. Hooey, C. . Wickens, E. . Salud, A. . Sebok, S. . Hutchins, & B. F. Gore (2009) Predicting the unpredictable: Estimating human performance parameters for off-nominal events, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: Wright State University Click to read more
M. D. Byrne, A. . Kirlik, T. . Allard, D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, K. A. Gluck, & C. . Wickens (2008) Issues and challenges in human performance modeling in aviation: Goals, advances, and gaps, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd annual conference. Santa Monica: HFES Click to read more
PDF download  M. D. Byrne, A. . Kirlik, T. . Allard, D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, K. A. Gluck, & C. . Wickens (2008) Issues and challenges in human performance modeling in aviation: Goals, advances, and gaps, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting. Santa Monica: HFES Click to read more
C. . Wickens, B. F. Gore, B. L. Hooey, A. . Sebok, & C. . Koenicke (2007) Identifying Black Swans in the Next Generation Airspace: Predicting Human Performance in Off-Nominal Conditions, Human Factors (in press) Click to read more
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Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Jessica Nowinski
Last Updated: May 19, 2020