P J. Smith
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C. E. McCoy, P. J. Smith, J. M. Orasanu, R. . Chapman, & H. J. Obradovich (1999) The dissemination of knowledge in the aviation system: A case study of pre-flight planning, In R. Jensen (ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: OSU
P. J. Smith, C. E. McCoy, & J. M. Orasanu (1998) Distributed cooperative problem solving in the air traffic management system, In G. Klein et al. (eds). Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making. Warrenton, VA: Klein Associates
P. J. Smith, S. . Caisse, C. . Beck, R. . Denning, H. J. Obradovich, C. E. McCoy, & J. M. Orasanu (1998) Using critical incidents to understand the interactions of airline dispatchers with the traffic management system, Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Symposium on Human Interaction with Complex Systems, Dayton OH: IEEE, pp. 48-62
P. J. Smith, C. E. McCoy, J. M. Orasanu, C. . Billings, R. . Denning, M. . Rodvold, T. . Gee, & A. . VanHorn (1997) Control by permission: A case study of cooperative problem-solving in the interactions of airline dispatchers and ATCSCC, Air Traffic Control Quarterly, 4, 229-247
P. J. Smith, C. E. McCoy, J. M. Orasanu, C. . Billings, R. . Denning, M. . Rodvold, & A. . VanHorn (1997) Cooperative problem-solving in the interactions of airline dispatchers with the air traffic control systems command center, In C. Nyuen and E. Parks (eds.), Human interactions with complex systems: Conceptual principles and design practices (pp. 185-195). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
P. J. Smith, C. E. McCoy, J. M. Orasanu, C. . Billings, R. . Denning, & A. . VanHorn (1997) Cooperative problem-solving in the national aviation system, In D. Boyarski, R. Butter, K. Krippendorf, R. Solomon, J. Tormlinson, and W. Wiebe (eds.) Design in the age of information (pp. 97-99). Raleigh, NC
K. D. Kerns, P. J. Smith, C. E. McCoy, & J. M. Orasanu (1997) Ergonomic Issues in Air Traffic management, MP97W0000137, McLean, VA: MITRE
J. M. Orasanu, J. . Davison, M. . Rodvold, P. J. Smith, C. E. McCoy, T. . Owsley, R. . Bullington, & L. . France (1997) Managing irregular operations in a free flight environment, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, (pp. 1502-1506). Columbus, OH: OSU
R. . Denning, P. J. Smith, C. E. McCoy, J. M. Orasanu, C. . Billings, A. . VanHorn, & M. . Rodvold (1996) Initial experiences with the expanded National Route Program, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 40th Annual Meting. Philadelphia, PA
C. E. McCoy, J. M. Orasanu, P. J. Smith, A. . VanHorn, C. . Billings, R. . Denning, M. . Rodvold, & T. . Gee (1995) Situational awareness at different levels of abstraction: The distributed cooperative problem solving domain of ATCSCC-Airline operations, In D. Garland and M. Endsley (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Analysis and Measurement of Situation Awareness. Daytona Beach, FL