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Air Traffic Management Simulation Data Visualization and Processing Tool  (2005)
Abstract Header
Future Air Traffic Management (ATM) concepts commonly leverage flight deck and ground-based automation and new interface tools to improve efficiency. To evaluate the feasibility and benefits of proposed concepts, researchers need ways to assess changes in practitioner roles and responsibilities, in addition to traditional system performance, human performance, and acceptability metrics. One way to investigate air-ground integration issues is to use large-scale simulations in which pilot participants fly simulators through multiple airspace sectors managed by controller participants, creating a rich ATM environment. This paper describes a JavaTM-based tool called DProc that aids in visualizing, integrating and transforming data collected from large-scale ATM simulations.
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Air, Data, Management, Processing, Simulation, Tool, Traffic, Visualization
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AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2005-6849
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Adobe PDF Icon  Ca2005_ATMdataVisProcTool.pdf (Download Acrobat Reader Click to download Adobe Acrabat Reader)
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Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Joey Mercer
Last Updated: August 15, 2019