Dominic Wong
Phone: 650-604-1117
(2020) Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Associate Administrator (AA) Award, Technology and Innovation- Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System
(2019) Ames Group Achievement Award, NASA Ames UAS-NAS ACAS Xu Team
(2017) Ames Technology Award, Patent Award- Predicted Weather Display and Decision Support Interface for Flight Deck
(2014) Patent Application Initial Award, Predicted Weather Display and Decision Support Interface for the Flight Deck
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, Single Pilot Operations (SPO) Experiment Team
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, UAS Integration in the NAS Full-Mission Sim Team
(2008) Ames Honor Award, Trajectory Oriented Operations With Limited Delegation (TOOWilD)
(1998) NASA Group Achievement Award, Low-Visibility and Surface Operations Flight Validation Team
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G. G. Sadler, M. . Chandarana, C. . Rorie, T. L. Tyson, J. N. Keeler, C. L. Smith, M. C. Shyr, D. . Wong, S. . Scheff, & I. . Dolgov (2022) A Remote, Human-in-the-Loop Evaluation of a Multiple-Drone Delivery Operation, In AIAA AVIATION 2022 FORUM (p. 4002). https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-4002. 2022-4002
M. . Chandarana, G. G. Sadler, J. N. Keeler, C. L. Smith, C. . Rorie, D. . Wong, S. . Scheff, B. . Pham, & I. . Dolgov (2022) Streamlining Tactical Operator Handoffs During Multi-Vehicle Applications , 15th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Human Machine Systems HMS 2022, San José, USA (p.12-15). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.235
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, D. . Wong, & A. B. Tang (2005) A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, D. . Wong, & A. B. Tang (2005) A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology